1/4-size partly functional screen shot of the CropPix opening screen.

Manual Mode: Select one of the - to date - 478 crops from the Crop List (ordered alphabetically by common name or scientific name), and pick a slide from the Picture List for that crop that will then appear (this list is ordered, where possible, according to a 'from-field-to-fork' timeline), or cycle through all the available slides for that crop .
Slide Show: Sit back and enjoy a random show of all the photos in CropPix-global; with adjustable showtime per slide, and hold ("Stop! What was that?") and 3-slides-track-back function. Or use this continuous show on a big screen as an eye-catcher or backdrop during a presentation or event.
To date, CropPix contains 2817 photos. All photos have brief, instructional captions.
Updated: mon16sep2024